“Dear Swiss friends, sorry!”

We had a slight diplomatic incident with one of our neighbors this weekend. On the position of the European Union vis-à-vis Moscow in the Ukrainian crisis, what does one of our MEPs say?

Facing Moscow, Europe should not be a big soft Switzerland

Nathalie Loiseau

in an interview with Le Point

Faced with the extremely fine and distinguished terms of Nathalie Loiseau, former Minister of European Affairs, the Swiss ambassador took up his finest pen:

Result: an apology from Nathalie Loiseau at 7:30 p.m. RTS, with, among other things, an implacable argument. I have part of my family in Annemasse”, Haute-Savoie town on the border with Switzerland. To our Swiss friends, don’t take it personally, we love you.

And this, for a whole host of things: for your politicians who say Happy New Year 2020 from their bakery, wishing you that there is always your favorite bread on the shelves, even just before closing.

We also love you when you’re little, and it’s true, a little less when you’re older. Especially since last June, it must be said. And yes, we were eliminated from the Euro football by Switzerland… In short, long live Switzerland!

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