Deal Concluded: A buyer is a grandfather, tender photo and great news after great misfortunes

Are the dark hours and the galleys over for Stéphane Vanhandenhoven d’Deal Concluded ? We must believe that yes and fortunately for him!

Saturday, February 5, 2022, the famous buyer of the show Deal Concluded (France) has finally announced good news on his Instagram account: he is a grandfather! In the caption of a photo where we can see part of the face of his grandchild lying on what we guess is his mother, the friendly Belgian wrote: “Hello hello… and welcome to Eva, whom I have loved since long before she was even conceived… Congratulations to my daughter Léa and to Valentin, her lover. Thank you life… Have a nice weekend everyone.

And he can indeed finally thank life for this happiness because poor Stéphane Vanhandenhoven has not had any easy times recently, far from it! During the first months of the year 2021, he had revealed to have been close to death. I had a heart attack, not so long ago, I travel a lot including in countries where Covid is very present, and my cardiologist intervened because he considers it important“, he had revealed in March to his colleague and friend Caroline Margeridon during a live Instagram. A heart incident that has “lwashed away” and which he explained in the following way: “All because of the cigarette and being overweight. I need to calm down. I got out with a bit of luck.

The 59-year-old father of three then experienced a terrible tragedy: the death of his mother. It was just after Christmas – definitely life did not give him a gift – since on December 29 he had shared his sadness with his Instagram subscribers: “One two Three Sun. I love you mom, he wrote. Have a good trip…

2022 therefore offers a little happiness to Stéphane Vanhandenhoven, his clan is growing and that’s good. If he is Léa’s dad, we also know that the buyer has another son, Antoine, who leads a luxurious lifestyle. Regarding Nathan, Antoine’s twin, we don’t know much.

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