deadly strikes in Sloviansk



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

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At least nine people were killed in an attack on Friday April 14 by Russian forces in Sloviansk, eastern Ukraine.

In Sloviansk (Ukraine), Friday, April 14, an old man waits, injured, frozen with cold, on the rubble of his building, for help to come to him. Nine people were found dead according to a provisional report. Five residents are still missing. The building was gutted. “I was there when the explosion happened, I took shelter behind a car. The shrapnel was flying”says Volodymyr Sergiïv, a resident.

A school affected

On Friday morning, seven Russian missiles fell on Sloviansk in a matter of minutes. Five buildings were affected as well as a school and an administrative building. “This is the most massive attack on this city in recent weeks. I would like to emphasize that it is civilian infrastructure that has been targeted”commented Pavlo Kyrylenko, the governor of the Donetsk region.

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