deadly strike on civilians in Zaporizhia



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In the city of Zaporizhia, in the south-east of Ukraine, a bombardment takes away the life of several Ukrainian civilians who were in a transit center for displaced persons on Friday 30 September.

In Zaporizhia (Ukraine), we can see a column of vehicles with blown windows and bodies riddled with impacts, Friday, September 30. Inside some cars, we see inanimate bodies, and on the ground, luggage, alongside white sheets that cover the victims. While dozens of people, including children, were waiting for permission to return to the territories occupied by the Russians, a missile came down on this parking lot, which had become a transit center for displaced people. 30 people lost their lives there, and at least 80 were injured.

The survivors are in shock. “It’s horrible. There is no other word, it’s horrible“, says Igor. Of the 31 injured admitted to the regional hospital in Zaporizhia, “only 10 have superficial wounds. All other patients require major surgery“, declared the head of the establishment, Ihor Shishka. The governor of the region accuses Russia of being at the origin of this bombardment. The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, for his part displayed his indignation on the networks , calling the perpetrators of the attack “complete terrorists“.

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