Deadly sheer in Bas-Saint-Laurent: a woman dies under a snowmobile

A 50-year-old woman lost her life on Christmas Day when she found herself under the snowmobile on which she was a passenger, due to a swerve, in Sainte-Angèle-de-Mérici.

• Read also: Fatal snowmobile crash: her relatives trying to rescue her hit a moose

The incident happened around 2:30 p.m. on Saturday in the small municipality of Bas-Saint-Laurent, located not far from Mont-Joli.

For a reason that remains to be determined, the operator of the snowmobile would have lost control of his machine before swerving. He was then on private land, in the 6th row.

The snowmobiler and his passenger, Sonia Bérubé, found themselves trapped under the vehicle following the accident. Both suffering from serious injuries, they were transported to the hospital.

The death of the 50-year-old woman, originally from Sainte-Angèle-de-Mérici, was noted shortly after, explains the spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec, Hugues Beaulieu.

For his part, although he suffers from serious injuries, the life of the snowmobiler would not be in danger.

A police officer specializing in collision investigation went to the scene to establish the causes and circumstances of the tragedy. No hypothesis is prioritized for the moment, but the snowmobile has been towed for mechanical expertise.

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