Deadly hit and run in Saint-Lin: three years in prison for Derick Pimparé

A young man who fatally mowed down a teenager last fall in Saint-Lin-Laurentides and then fled and tried to cover up his crime was sentenced on Friday, to spend three years behind bars.

• Read also – Mom wants answers after hit-and-run

• Read also – Teenager killed in a hit and run: “At least justice will be done”

“I wish you to become a better person”, dropped judge Claude Lachapelle to Derick Pimparé, before he took the road to prison.

A reasonable sentence according to experts, but which shocked relatives on Friday.

The 21-year-old father pleaded guilty to charges of hit and run causing death and obstruction of justice at the Joliette courthouse in connection with the death of Émile Martineau, which occurred in Saint-Lin-Laurentides on 29 September 2021.

Pimparé, who lived 150 meters from the scene of the accident, fatally mowed down the 16-year-old and immediately left the scene without giving him assistance.

The teenager died soon after from blunt brain and neck trauma.

Émile Martineau, 16, the pedestrian who died in the violent collision last September.

Courtesy picture

Émile Martineau, 16, the pedestrian who died in the violent collision last September.


Within hours of the crash, Pimparé had removed damaged parts from the 2003 Chevrolet Silverado in an effort to cover his tracks linking him to the accident.

He then asked a witness to lie to the police about his real whereabouts during that evening.

“The investigation was long, arduous. The police officers of the Sûreté du Québec used complex investigative techniques to trace the author of the hit and run, ”says the Crown prosecutor, Caroline Buist.

Pimparé was sentenced to three years in prison at the Joliette courthouse, a joint suggestion by defense and Crown attorneys.

His driver’s license will also be revoked for a period of three years when he leaves the penitentiary.

He entered the courtroom on Friday with a black hood pulled down over his head, his head bowed and a mask over his face, where he had to face the family of young Émile, seated in the first row.

Hood on the head, Derick Pimparé fled the media during his appearance at the Joliette courthouse on Friday.

Screenshot, TVA Nouvelles

Hood on the head, Derick Pimparé fled the media during his appearance at the Joliette courthouse on Friday.

Acceptable sentence?

Several relatives of the victim nevertheless believe that the sentence received by Derick Pimparé is not sufficient in the circumstances.

“I think it’s a candy sentence and it doesn’t bring any peace of mind to our hearts. […] Quebec justice has lost my trust! » mentions in writing to the Log Émile Martineau’s mother-in-law, Julie Léveillé.

Caroline Morel, who tried to rescue the teenager on the evening of the tragedy, also finds it difficult to explain the sentence given to Pimparé.

The police had at the time unveiled a video showing the vehicle involved.

Archival photo

The police had at the time unveiled a video showing the vehicle involved.

“We agree that this sentence is ridiculous. We stay with this image of horror all our lives. I still have nightmares about it. In 2022, seeing that is shocking, ”she says.

It would still be a sentence that falls within Canadian standards in the matter, underlines retired judge Nicole Gibeault.

“When there is a loss of life in such circumstances, instinctively we will say that it is never enough”, she maintains.

“We must not forget that the Crown has a duty to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was he who was driving at the time of the impact. Imagine if he had been acquitted, how would the public have taken that? asks Gibeault.

– With Francis Pilon

The escape in 5 dates

September 29, 2021

A vehicle hit Émile Martineau around 7:25 p.m., who was walking at the intersection of route 335 and rue des Bouleaux, in Saint-Lin-Laurentides. Derick Pimparé then fled at the wheel of his pick-up.

September 30

Pimparé and a friend go to a used auto parts recycling center to buy parts compatible with the damaged vehicle.

1er october

The suspect vehicle, a 2003 Chevrolet Silverado, was found a few meters from the scene of the accident. The front grille of the truck is completely removed.

October 7

Derick Pimparé sends a witness two text messages asking him to lie to the police about his whereabouts in order to constitute an alibi. The witness then deletes the messages, on the recommendations of Pimparé.

October 27

The Sûreté du Québec arrests Pimparé. He is charged a few hours later with hit and run causing death and obstruction of justice.

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