Deadly attack in Tel-Aviv | The assailant was killed by the Israeli services after a hunt

(Tel-Aviv) The Israeli security services announced Friday morning that they had killed the author of the deadly attack the day before in the center of the Tel Aviv metropolis after a manhunt lasting several hours.

Updated at 0:29

“The terrorist who carried out the armed attack yesterday in Tel Aviv has been located and neutralized,” the officials said on Friday morning, adding that the man, a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank, had been killed near a mosque in the Jaffa district.

“After a difficult night, and after long hours of work by the Israeli police, internal security services and the army, we succeeded this morning […] to tighten the noose around the terrorist who was killed in an exchange of fire,” Israel Police Chief Commissioner Yaacov Shabtai said in a statement, adding that no officers were injured in the exchange.

The security services did not reveal the identity of the author of this attack which left at least two dead and a dozen injured Thursday evening in the heart of the Tel Aviv metropolis, but according to the Israeli media his name is Raed Hazem, a Palestinian from the Jenin area in the northern occupied West Bank.

Last week, the Israeli army carried out a series of raids in the area where the author of a fatal attack on five people, including two Ukrainians and an Israeli Arab policeman, was also from in Bnei Brak, a Jewish city. ultra-Orthodox located in the suburbs of Tel-Aviv.

Three fighters from Islamic Jihad, the second Palestinian armed Islamist movement after Hamas, were killed in exchanges of fire linked to these raids. Thursday evening, the Islamic Jihad had “welcomed” the attack on Tel Aviv.

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