Deadline to pay your property tax

Questions from auditors to our experts from the Department of Public Finances.

90 years old and not taxable

Anne’s mother is 90 years old, she is not taxable. Does she have to pay property tax?
A priori no, there is an exemption from property tax for people who are over 75 years old.
But in addition to this age-related condition, you must be below a certain amount of reference tax income. For a tax household on the one hand, you must not exceed €11,276 to benefit from the exemption.
Normally, the exemption is automatic on the property tax for people over 75 years old.
Remember to check your reference tax income on the tax notice. If the ceiling is respected, you are over 75 and the exemption has not taken place, you must contact the personal tax department
via your personal space

Important clarification: the property tax exemption does not include the tax on household waste, which remains due no matter what.

The calculation of the household waste tax

No, it is not linked to the number of people in the household.
Its amount is calculated from the rental value of the property to which a rate voted by the municipalities is applied and which remains fixed regardless of the accommodation or the occupants of the accommodation.

Property tax up 4.7% in the 200 largest French cities.

But for Odile the increase is even more substantial.
She paid a property tax of €900 in 2021, an amount which has more than doubled for this same accommodation a year later since she owes €1,700. Odile therefore wonders about this amount and about the possibility of paying in several installments.
If, like Odile, you are wondering about the amount of your property tax, you can ask the question via your secure messaging system. Make a claim or inquiry to ask if the amount is correct.
And if this increase is normal, you can request a payment spread according to your repayment capacity.

Remember: if you have not opted for the monthly property tax deduction this year, it must be paid before October 17. But you get extra time if you pay online.
And to dilute the pain and opt for the monthly deduction of your property tax for the year 2023. Remember to report this change on your personal space before December 15th.

source site-35