Daycare at the station | Still hope to avoid closure

There is still hope for the Garderie de la Gare in Laval, which had decided to close its doors because it could not compete with childcare centers by offering the same salaries to its educators.

Isabelle Ducas

Isabelle Ducas

The project of the owner, Joëlle St-Laurent, to convert its 44 non-subsidized places into subsidized places by merging with a childcare center in the sector, is still under study, says the Ministry of the Family.

The director of the CPE Logis-Ciel had however been informed that their project had not been selected. But it was a mistake, explains Rodrigo Garcia, spokesperson for the Minister of Families, Mathieu Lacombe.

“The project is still in analysis, the process will take its course. The selected projects should be announced by mid-February. So there is still hope for this project, ”says Garcia.

A lot of stress

Joëlle St-Laurent is delighted to know that her project was not rejected by the Ministry.

“There was a mistake, I understand that, but it causes us a lot of stress,” she laments. And there are endless delays. ”

Recall that the Minister of Families announced that he would convert 3,500 places in non-subsidized daycare centers into subsidized places.

Last August, he announced that 25 projects had been selected, for a total of 1,767 places, under this program.

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