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After 11 trying days of hearing, the indictment during the trial of the drama of Millas fell, Wednesday, October 5 in the morning. This collision between a school bus and a train caused the death of six children.
From his preliminary remarks, prosecutor Michel Sastre heard the life sentence imposed on the victims, reports journalist Laura-Laure Galy, present in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), Wednesday, October 5. It takes up the elements of this file, the scientific points brought that the defense tried to discredit. “We try to make believe that the barriers were lifted, but it is physically impossible, he explains. The experts are formal.”
Nadine Oliveira presents herself as a meticulous driver and justifies herself by explaining that the barriers were lifted. “Traumatic memory or lie, too bad she couldn’t be confronted with her inconsistencies”, argues the prosecutor. According to him, the crossing at the time of the facts is the result of the routine. He is asking for a five-year sentence, including one year. The defense is expected to take the stand in the afternoon, before the decision is taken under advisement.