Day of action for wages and pensions: 11% of teachers are on strike at midday, according to the Ministry of Education

According to the detail of the ministerial figures, 10.69% of primary school teachers and 11.33% of college and high school teachers are on strike.

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Teachers mobilize this Thursday, September 29. 11% of them go on strike and participate in the interprofessional social movement called by several unions including the CGT and Solidaire, to demand in particular a rise in wages in the face of high inflation. The mobilization is in particular against the pension reform that the government wishes to put in place in the coming months. Figures provided by the Ministry of Education. 10.69% of primary school teachers and 11.33% of college and high school teachers, he explains.

These data are below the feedback from the first primary school union, the Snuipp-FSU. The latter reports about 20% of teachers on strike in the first degree, however noting territorial disparities with nearly 40% in Paris and almost half, 45%, in Seine-Saint-Denis. The first consultations between the ministry and the trade unions on teachers’ salaries begin on Monday 3 October.

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