Davos World Economic Forum meets amid war in Ukraine



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In a context of low growth and high inflation, the Davos forum once again brings together political and economic figures from around the world. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will make an appearance there. The war in Ukraine will be heart of this meeting.

Davos, without its usual snow, returns to its great annual economic mass. After a pandemic that shook the planet greatly, more than 2,500 political and economic leaders are expected at the forum. Still confined, China will participate remotely, while the big absentee will be Russia. Moscow was expelled following its invasion of Ukraine.

Discussions should focus precisely on this conflict. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky will be the first head of state to speak on Monday May 23. After the sanctions inflicted on Russia, the forum must look into the resulting economic consequences: soaring energy prices, but also the fear of a global food crisis. All against a backdrop of galloping inflation. On the program, there is also the ecological transition, while imports of Russian gas and oil have been restricted.

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