David Mora (Household scenes): His harassed stepson, his darling gives a huge rant

School bullying claims many more victims than you might think. Some personalities are even committed against this scourge which pushes children to the point of suicide. Davina Vigné, actress and companion of David Mora, star of Scenes of households on M6, could soon join the movement. This Tuesday, March 8, the mother spoke on social networks to indicate that her son Teylo, attending college, was the victim of harassment by school friends.

The cause ? An Instagram video of his mother Davina Vigné, described as “bitch” for trying to twerk with humor. It didn’t take much to get a most muscular reaction from the actress: “The little bosses in my son’s class and the others. I’ll be waiting for you when you leave college if you have anything to tell me. […] I hope your parents will see this story.“The story could have ended there if the messages had not continued. His mission?”find all [les] parents” child executioners to protect his son.

Davina Vigné also said that she would not hesitate to file a complaint if such messages were to land again on her son’s phone. A few hours later, she took the floor to come back to this regrettable but more topical event than ever: “I am a mother wolf, many of us are like that. If someone touches my child, it’s obvious to retaliate. I notice that a lot of parents don’t say anything because they think it’s the school’s business and they shouldn’t interfere.“Davina Vigné is not one of those.

The companion of David Mora, and mother of their now 14-month-old daughter, admits to having already done “tap on the fingers“for having solved these kinds of problems herself but claims to have had no choice:”The kids go through this every day and at some point, they’re fed up and they don’t want to look like scumbags.“Anyway and whatever the consequences for her, Davina Vigné will not let her son suffer such behavior without reacting:”Don’t miss anything, no matter what. If you feel that your child is in danger, that he is suffering and that something is wrong, you don’t let it go, you don’t wait for the school administration to take over. […] Children, if you have problems, talk to your parents and if you can’t, […] find someone who is there to listen to you.“The message got through.

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