“David Lisnard can become President of the Republic”

Alexandra Martin is a New Energy/LR candidate in the 8th constituency, that of Cannes. She was the guest of the 8h20 of France Bleu Azur to also find on video.

Are you the candidate of LR or New Energy or both?

“I have indeed obtained the support of the unanimous departmental committee of the Republicans and I have the support of New Energy. The party founded by David Lisnard and LR are absolutely two completely complementary label labels. I claim to belong to the classic right, an authentic right. I started to act on the right at the age of 18, I am 53 years old.”

What differentiates you from a candidate on the horizon, for example Christian Estrosi or a candidate for the Republic on the move?

“What differentiates me at first, I would like to say, is loyalty to my convictions, the solidity of my convictions. I have never varied, as I told you. Today, to be on the right is to affirm authority, merit, work, security, the sovereign. We see how Emmanuel Macron managed his five-year term, I believe that the sovereign was really Emmanuel Macron’s blind spot and that’today we cannot say that Emmanuel Macron pursued a right-wing policy, or even a left-wing policy.

He is not on the right, Emmanuel Macron?

Emmanuel Macron is from the opportunist party. He governs according to the news of the polls, but certainly not with convictions that we have pinned to the body and that we have with Les Républicains and Nouvelle Energie.

If I follow your thought, does that mean that Christian Estrosi, Hubert Falco, Renaud Muselier, they are opportunists in this party?

I think that with Emmanuel Macron re-elected, there must be quite a few ministries that will be opened. But I don’t want to get into this controversy.

Will there be other new energy candidates for these legislative elections in the Alpes-Maritimes?

At this stage, for the moment, I am the only one in the Alpes-Maritimes to carry the label and the support of New Energy, but there are nearly 30 candidates in France for the legislative elections who have requested the support of New Energy and who got it.

Is this the first act with David Lisnard, president of the mayors, to put into orbit David Lisnard, president of the Republic in five years?

I believe that David Lisnard already got into orbit with his column on the fight against bureaucracy several months ago. He can become President of the Republic. New Energy has this ambition to regenerate the ideological corpus of the right. We are a right that refuses autism, a right that does not want to reconstruct history, a right that wants to affirm, as David Lisnard says, public performance, that is the unity of the nation. A right that does not want to destroy this unity of the nation. Emmanuel Macron has just been elected and already windows are broken in Paris.

Which MP will you be?

A member who will engage in local issues of course, and national ones. _ My candidacy is part of a professional and militant journey that has developed for nearly 27 years in this constituency at the service of the inhabitants of Cannes, at the service of the agglomeration that I have helped to build with the mayors of the member municipalities, with Sébastien Leroy, with Bernard Brochand, with Henri Leroy, with David Lisnard, of course. I am close to these elected officials. I have been working with them closely and in confidence for a very long time. I know all the files, I know their constraints from the inside and that, I believe that it is a considerable asset to be able to be the voice of the inhabitants obviously first, and of the mayors in the National Assembly. I want to defend priority battles such as purchasing power, such as ecology, security and fair justice. The Unity of the nation, public performance, state accounts, that’s life had a good back, often during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term.

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