David Hallyday at the heart of a terrifying story of puppy theft!

The story takes place in Finistère, at the end of April. And she’s terrifying to all dog parents.

“My Sunny was stolen around 12:30 p.m. in Plouarzel in Finistère (Porsevigné beach). As I had just dropped it off in my car, strapped to the passenger seat, a couple arrived to ask for information while I was at the rear of the vehicle ready to load another dog into a transport crate. The man walked away to telephone and the woman was asking me questions about my services as a pet-sitter and showing photos of her dog on her phone. They leave in white utility, and on returning Sunny had disappeared, the strap of his seat severed“, wrote the mistress of the animal on her Instagram account.

A message which, since April 29, has moved the French and has gone around the networks by dint of being shared and re-shared.

It must also be said that a number of celebrities wanted to support the victim, including Julien Doré and more recently, David Hallyday.

The singer, very attached to the animal cause and himself a dog owner, used his notoriety to try to help.

See also: David Hallyday has just atomized Laeticia!

Apolline Demarchelier

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