David Ginola lets go by evoking his sex life

If David Ginola made his debut as a football star, the sportsman ended up leaving the green fields to look to another career. In recent years, the Gassinois has devoted himself entirely to television. A real passion that seems to allow him to live incredible adventures. Lately, the former host of “La France has an incredible talent” participated in the English version of the show. “I’m a celebrity, get me out of here.” A difficult experience for Carla’s dad.

A few days after its elimination, “The Sun” had the opportunity to interview David Ginola. The star then confided in the twenty-two long weeks of filming. And the least that we can say is that the young man let loose in the columns of the British newspaper. While our English-speaking colleagues asked him what was the thing he had missed the most, the former sportsman did not mince his words. “What I missed the most was having sex – especially when you do it every day”, he then declared.

A surprising revelation about his intimate life. But that’s not all ! During this interview, the host also had the opportunity to say more about the adventure. “At the castle, I missed a lot of things. I ran out of food, because the rice and beans are fine for a few days, but after two and a half weeks… I don’t think I’ll ever eat beans again until the end of my life! “David Ginola explained before adding: “The cold was really an important aspect of life at the castle. I don’t know what you are doing in your country, but you have so much water. I mean, it’s just amazing. Every day it was raining. “ One thing is certain, is that the former footballer must be delighted to have left the shoot!

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