David Douillet and his wife Vanessa: their 14-year gap, their intimate life… frank confidences

A test which finally proved positive for the parents of the little Blanche, 5 and a half years old, according to her mother, satisfied. “This game strengthened our couple“, she finally revealed, explaining that they had managed to put things in perspective.”We said to ourselves that we would never mix what happened in the game with our daily life.

An intelligence of the game that even allowed them to understand that their relationship was indeed based on “trust, truth and mutual aid“, and which made the young woman conclude: “I told myself that I could always count on him“.

David Douillet, meanwhile, is rather rave about the woman who has shared his life for eight years now: “my wife is awesome […] I already knew that and got confirmation. I’m lucky !“. A beautiful declaration of love for this couple that we can’t wait to discover in action, this Wednesday evening.

Married in 2017, David Douillet and his wife Vanessa are therefore parents of a little Blanche, born in 2016 and who joined a large blended family: with his ex-wife Valérie, the former judoka had three children (Jérémie, 31 years old, Myriam, 28 years old, and Mattéo, 24 years old). Vanessa, meanwhile, was already a mother of two children.

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