David DePape is charged with attempted kidnapping and assault on Paul Pelosi

The man suspected of violently assaulting the husband of the Democratic leader of the United States Congress, Nancy Pelosi, has been charged with attempted kidnapping and assault, the United States Department of Justice announced on Monday.

David DePape said he intended to “break the kneecaps” of the official if she did not stop “lying”, according to a court document.

He entered the couple’s home in San Francisco on Friday morning, equipped in particular with rope, pairs of gloves and adhesive tape, the department said in a press release.

So many elements which prove, according to the ministry, that he intended to kidnap the person in charge, a charge which could earn him up to 20 years in prison. Assaulting her husband faces another sentence, up to 30 years, the Justice Department said.

The man entered the couple’s bedroom looking for Nancy Pelosi, who was in Washington. His arrival woke Paul Pelosi, 82, who had time to call 911 before the suspect attacked him with a hammer.

After his arrest, David DePape told officers he held Nancy Pelosi responsible for “lies” he said were being spread by the Democratic Party, according to a court document attached to the department’s statement.

Stating that he had intended to take her hostage and talk to her, the man explained that if she had told him “the truth”, he would have freed her, but that if she had “lied to him”, he would have would have “broken the kneecaps”, according to this same source.

Paul Pelosi “suffered the punishment for him,” the suspect claimed.

This attack occurred ten days before the midterm elections, during which the Democrats are in great danger of losing their majority in the House of Representatives.

On Friday, before the details of the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband became known, US security officials expressed concern in a memo that disinformation could drive some extremists to carry out violent attacks.

Fears also expressed by President Joe Biden, who in a speech on Friday evening warned that misinformation could influence people who are “not fully balanced”.

David DePape, who lived in a garage in a small town near San Francisco, had been relaying posts on social media in recent months claiming the election had been stolen or the COVID vaccines not working.

Inti Gonzalez, whose mother was the suspect’s companion for years, claimed he had mental health issues and had recently turned to far-right conspiracy.

Nancy Pelosi said she was “traumatized” on Saturday by the attack, adding that the state of health of Paul Pelosi, operated for a fractured skull and injuries to the arm and hands on Friday, continued to improve.

The American political class was unanimous in its condemnation of the attack. President Joe Biden has denounced a “despicable” act.

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