Dave: Thinned by 6 kilos, loss of balance … the singer takes stock of his health after his serious fall

How is singer Dave doing? At 78, the one who swears he must continue to go on stage to bring money into the coffers because he has nothing set aside, is getting better and better. But he comes a long way! Last January, he suffered a heavy fall at his home in Paris, spent several days in hospital in a coma before being able to return home. Of course, he has consequences. It is delivered in the pages of Gala.

It was from his second home, a house bought twenty-six years ago with her husband Patrick Loiseau near Avignon, that Dave confided in the magazine. And the interpreter of the tube Vanina to confide that he has lost weight lately: “I lost 6 pounds. I don’t really like seeing myself in the mirror because I feel like I’m seeing my father. My companion is not very nice, he tells me that it is not fat but muscle that I have lost!“And this weight loss is undoubtedly explained by a certain frustration… Indeed, the singer has lost his taste and smell, a heartbreak for this bon vivant who loves to cook.”I don’t feel anything, it’s horrible! Not to mention that as you get older, enjoyment, which is so important in life, inevitably becomes much less sexual. So that of a good glass of wine, a good meal, is so important. And I’m deprived of it. Without knowing how long it will last“, adds the singer.

Dave, who assures “to regain one’s health“and swims daily in his pool, also has a few other health issues since his potentially fatal fall.”I also still have balance problems caused by the inner ear. I see a vestibular physio twice a week for this“, he specifies. Despite everything, Dave was able to find his way back to the stage and notably gave a concert on July 13. If he is going to rest all summer in his house in Vaucluse, he is also preparing a another show for October!

Dave’s full interview can be found in GalaAugust 11, 2022 edition.

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