Darmanin and Oudéa-Castéra in front of the Senate, the government on the front of inflation … The informed of franceinfo of Wednesday June 1, 2022

Around Jean-François Achilli, the informed discuss the news of Wednesday June 1, 2022.

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Reading time : 1 min.

The themes :

Incidents at the Stade de France : Senators want answers. The Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Sports heard before the Senate Law Commission.

Inflation :we are going to have inflation that will remain high“estimates on France Inter Bruno le Maire the Minister of the Economy.

Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II: why this passion?

The informed:

Saveria Rojekjournalist and political columnist, author of “Résurrection”, a story on the re-election of Emmanuel Macron, published by Stock.

Marie-Virginie Kleincommunications consultant, founder of the Iconic agency, author of “Women leaders, how they dared”, at Plon.

Stephane VernayParisian editorial director of Ouest France.

Francois Reynaertjournalist & writer, columnist at the Obs, author of “Roger, hero, traitor and sodomite“, published by Fayard.

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