Daphne Bürki soon to be a mother? Cash response from the host on a new baby

This Tuesday, March 8, the show Kindergartens will celebrate its twentieth anniversary. Twenty years of advice, anecdotes and testimonials of all kinds to help future parents, young parents or parents for a long time in the education of their children. The animators succeeded each other at the controls of the program, including Daphné Bürki and Agathe Lecaron, present on the set of C to you this Friday, March 4 to blow out this candle. The experience of motherhood, the two facilitators have lived it, twice. Two sons for Agathe Lecaron, two daughters for Daphné Bürki. And no doubt for the latter, there will be no third child. The reason ? The hell of sleep with her second baby, Suzanne: “I haven’t slept for two and a half years.

Daphne Bürki has yet tried “all the tips given in Les Maternelles” to succeed in gaining a few hours of sacred sleep: “The small pink stones under the mattress, the child facing the exit door“. Nothing helped, the attempts were all failures: “I haven’t slept for two and a half years and it looks like this! It means that I’m exhausted“. Radical conclusion for Daphne Bürki: “I closed the store. We’re not going to advertise for a parent either, but in any case it’s closed, the shop is closed, that’s fine!

Since December 2020, Daphné Bürki has been officially single. The 42-year-old host, until then in a relationship with Sylvain Quimène, better known under the pseudonym Gunther Love, formalized their separation on her Instagram account by mentioning that she only had one “home girl gang“. If Suzanne, born in July 2013, is the fruit of their love, Daphné Bürki was already a mother before starting a relationship with the artist Sylvain Quimène. Her first daughter, Hedda, was born in 2007 when she was still in couple with singer Travis Bürki. The saying often goes ‘Never two without three‘. For Daphné Bürki, this will not be the case this time.

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