Dany Boon sentenced for “unfair, brutal and vexatious dismissal”, he will have to sign a very large check

Dany Boon thought he would never hear about this case again. And yet. Dismissed at the prud’hommes on May 13, 2019his former friend and associate Laurent Storch has just won the victory, against him, on appeal. According to media information The Informedthe actor will actually have to pay his ex-collaborator €110,000 in damages for dismissal”abusive, brutal and vexatious.

Their friendship was forged a long time ago, according to Laurent Storch’s lawyer. Long before the success of the actor from Armentières. She obviously did not emerge unscathed from this story. In 2013, Dany Boon had asked his comrade Laurent Storch to drop everything to become the development director of his live performance company, Les Productions du Chicon. The media specialist had therefore accepted and left his post as director of productions at TF1 to take charge of his new professional responsibilities. He also participated in the work of Productions du Ch’timi and HBB26.

Three years later, in 2016, Laurent Storch had however been summoned by the shareholders of Productions du Chicon for a preliminary interview. Due to the company’s financial difficulties, he ended up suffering a dismissal for economic reasons. It was at this time that his ties with Dany Boon were broken definitively and that they found themselves in court. Laurent Storch had claimed €360,000 in damages and unpaid overtime. In vain.

Dismissed in 2019, he finally won his case in 2022 after appealing. Laurent Storch touches, however, a sum which corresponds to three times less than what he had claimed. Professionally speaking, the man has since converted. He was first a columnist and host on the airwaves of the radio Live FMthen he embarked on a career as a consultant and lecturer.

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