Dany Boon hypochondriac: his companion Laurence Arné balances on their daily life

And Dany Boon to add, as if to justify his little habits: “We had the news all the time and they invented new things, because they had to feed the antenna. And so we calculated ‘then on wood, the virus lasts 4 hours, on plastic for 6 hours … ‘It was terrible, we counted the hours according to the subjects “.

“All for nothing, since you caught the Covid”, remarks the host. “Yes to the second confinement, just before the shooting”, explains the 55-year-old actor. “I bought an oximeter and had 85% oxygen so I called my doctor in a panic, who told me I put it on the wrong way”. “What was dangerous was that we no longer felt anything. We ate our breakfasts in a cloud of toasted bread, we hardly saw each other anymore”, joked Laurence Arné, who was also ill. “I only remembered the good things: I saw that you had to drink champagne to counter the virus so I made it drink”, launched Laurence Arné with humor.

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