Dany Boon: His miraculous daughter Sarah, the actor and his ex-wife Yaël united in the face of the ordeal

If there is one actor who has been unanimous among the French for many years now, it is Dany Boon. Since his beginnings as a talented comedian, with cult sketches like the K-Wayuntil the resounding success of Welcome to the Ch’tis, the 56-year-old actor quickly became a benchmark for comedy in France. Proof of its success, TMC chose to broadcast the very successful Eyjafjallojokull, this September 14th. A very funny film in which he gives the answer to Valérie Bonneton, Denis Ménochet or Malik Bentalha.

Alongside this career full of success in the cinema, Dany Boon has managed to build a fulfilling family life since he is the father of 5 children from 3 different women. From 2003 to 2018, he was married to the superb Yaël, with whom he had three children, including the youngest Sarah, born February 27, 2010. Unfortunately, the latter was born very premature, at only 6 months. A terrible ordeal for the parents, who experienced this situation very badly. “My daughter was born very premature, at six months of pregnancy. It weighed 920 grams, it’s not much, the equivalent of a big steak…”tells the actor Tele-Leisure in 2020.

She had heart problems, there was a valve that wouldn’t close

Sarah had many health problems when she was born and for Dany and Yaël Boon, the situation was particularly worrying. “She had heart problems, there was a valve that wouldn’t close. They gave him a fairly intensive treatment, which didn’t work the first time. They then have offered to operate on him and put a pigskin on him. Then they tried their treatment a second time, which finally worked”, he explained. Eventually, Sarah pulled through and is now 12 years old and in perfect health.

Find Dany Boon in Eyjafjallojokulltonight at 9:15 p.m. on TMC.

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