Dany Boon and Michel Drucker narrowly avoid a big fight, in Vivement dimanche!

If there is a television set where our animal friends have their place, it is at Michel Drucker. The 80-year-old host has moved his red sofas to France 3 since last school year, and he continues to receive his guests in the company of Isia, his Border Collie, originally from Romania. And the dog is not always friendly with the stars, especially when they themselves are accompanied by dogs!

“Mine is already pissed off, I’ll let you know right away”

This September 25, when Dany Boon arrived on set with Fluffy, the two doggies fought for their territory, on the air. As soon as the actor came to his show, Michel Drucker asked him: “Is he going to be good?”and add: “mine is already pissed off, I’ll let you know right away”pointing to the very possessive and jealous character of his dog.

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Opposite, Dany Boon had fun and explained how he himself had collected his dog in the United States, at the SPA, in Los Angeles, where he still lived a few years ago. Affected by dysplasia, the animal was operated on, reveals Dany Boon, and he now lives in France with his master. An atypical journey that the comedian also noted, pointing to the luck of Isia and Fluffy, foreign dogs who were adopted and who did not have much trouble getting their papers!

“Adopt him, otherwise he will be stung in the evening!”

And before the show turns into “30 million friends” – Dany Boon even dared to swing in front of the camera “adopt it, otherwise it will be stung in the evening!” – Michel Drucker took control of his interview. The paf star also greeted Line Renaud, 94, who shares the poster of “A great race” with Dany Boon, already at the cinema, and who could not attend the show, due to a little bit of fatigue, due to the promotion of the film.


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