Danielle Obono judges the expression “great replacement” “problematic”



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The deputy of La France insoumise was, on Monday, a guest of “Your political moment” on franceinfo. She returned to the Valérie Pécresse meeting held on Sunday February 13 at the Zénith de Paris.

“No fatality, neither to the big downgrading, nor to the big replacement.” This sentence, pronounced on Sunday February 13 by Valérie Pécresse, LR presidential candidate, during her meeting at the Zenith of Parishas been widely noticed. “This expression of the great replacement is problematic”, judged, the same day, the deputy La France insoumise de Paris, Danièle Obono. At the microphone of “Your political moment” on franceinfo, one of Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s spokespersons for the presidential campaign estimated that Valérie Pécresse’s remarks were “anti-republicans” and recalled that the xenophobic thesis of the “great replacement inspired Christchurch bombings”, in New Zealand, when a white supremacist killed 51 Muslims in two mosques in 2019.

The “great replacement” is a far-right conspiratorial belief, and also one of the central themes of Eric Zemmour’s campaign, which he takes up at leisure during his public meetings. “Valérie Pécresse finds herself copying Eric Zemmour”also reacted on franceinfo, Monday, the spokesperson for the far-right candidate, Antoine Diers.

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