Daniel Riolo furious: “When I come back …”, Géraldine Maillet’s companion is preparing his revenge

If there’s one who doesn’t have his tongue in his pocket, that’s fine. Daniel Riolo. The 52-year-old journalist has made a specialty of participating in heated debates, whether on his show After football on RMC or on social networks. Very followed on Twitter, he also started a controversy which ended very badly for him by attacking the supporters of Paris Saint-Germain. In his sights, one of the stars of the capital club, the Brazilian Neymar, who has had a great start to the season after a contrasting last year. “PSG supporters who support Neymar after three poor matches, forgetting the harm he has done to the club and complaining about Mbappé are, in my opinion, at level 0 of supporterism. These people are destined to be cuckolds for life. “he launched against them.

A tweet which did not remain without consequence since, according to the words of Géraldine Maillet’s companion, he was attacked very virulently thereafter and did not hesitate to respond to provocations, being banned from Twitter after several reports on the platform. “Suspended from Twitter because some think that one can insult a person and his family considering that, because he is known; she can’t answer but just suffer! What a shame. I have never insulted without having been very heavily before. Should I answer? To defend oneself ? That’s the only question”he reacted on his Instagram account afterwards.

It always ended in insults

The journalist finally decided to talk about it in person on the airwaves of RMC on August 23 to make things clear. He first took on the insults he sent, before going after a small community in particular, pro-PSG Twitter accounts. “These are people who provoke, insult, attack”he lets go, before explaining that he has often given them interviews in the past. “It always ended in insults. It always went wrong from the moment you criticized the club. They are totally stubborn people”, he adds. Since it is a temporary ban, the lover of Géraldine Maillet should soon find his account. “When I come back, I will say it, I will name all these sites. All those who have gained subscribers by taking up the comments that we made in theAfter Foot. They made butter on our backs”he concludes.


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