Daniel Riolo fired? Internet users are asking for his resignation after this tweet… too much on Neymar?

Despite a team made up of football stars, Paris-Saint-Germain often struggles to win the biggest championships. If the supporters are saddened to see the club fail, some journalists and sports consultants blame the blow and of course blame the players.

This is particularly the case of Daniel Riolo who, during his television appearances, explains that the city of Paris is very often synonymous with partying, sex and temptation of all kinds for foreign players, which leads to a sharp lack of concentration and prowess on the field. Very angry with Neymar, the journalist has been hammering for weeks that the famous Brazilian player should be fired from PSG.

“Neymar hardly trains anymore, he arrives in a pitiful state, bordering on drunk. That’s how it is, Neymar is in a spirit of revenge against PSG, there is a total break with the club and the locker room” declared Daniel Riolo last March before adding: “PSG fans don’t give a damn about Neymar’s antics or his Netflix documentary. You have to sign his check and let him go. He’s doing a lot of harm to the club . Let him go, he’s ruining PSG.”

Daniel Riolo soon fired because of his comments on Neymar?
And if the consultant expresses himself with passion, the supporters themselves are very angry at these comments going against their favorite player. On Twitter, they launched the hashtag #DanielRioloOut, which means “Daniel Riolo outside”, to call for the resignation of the journalist. A clear answer to the one who had himself relayed the hashtag #NeymarOut.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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