Daniel Riolo destroys Kylian Mbappé and his way of life!

A slap that no one really expected. RC Lens perfectly represented the French clubs on Tuesday October 3, 2023 by taking over the Londoners Arsenal, 2 to 1, more than 20 years after their last participation in the Champions League. Paris Saint-Germain had to do the same this Wednesday 4, against the English Newcastle. If the club from the north of England was bought by Saudi Arabia on October 7, 2021, the team is still in the process of becoming established, and the squad still needs time to be built.

But it seems that just one home match was enough for Newcastle to make the supporters dream. Indeed, as with Lens, Magpies fans have been waiting for a return to the most prestigious European competition for 20 years. For their return, at home, in the competition, it was against the Parisian ogre that they had to confront. A very shy ogre, who never knew how to gain the upper hand over his rivals.

Also see: “The last episode, in June, is not to his credit”: Didier Deschamps back on track and on the verge of removing this star from the French team!

Newcastle facing a small PSG and a small Kylian Mbappé

Indeed, PSG lost 4 goals to 1 and caused many concerns. A new time, Kylian Mbappé

was absent from the evening. Totally ghostly, the “French genius” made the journalist come off his hinges Daniel Riolo

, a few minutes after the final whistle. Géraldine Maillet’s companion expressed his anger in theAfterRMC after the poor performance of the Parisians, and in particular Kylian Mbappé.

“Mbappé, I remember his famous sentence last year against Neymar, we will have to eat well, sleep well”first reminded the journalist before continuing: “Mbappé had a lousy preparation following his sidelining, but when you do a preparation like that, you work and you go out a little less. Because where Mbappé is becoming a great leader, he is the leader of the biggest debauchery evenings in Paris at the moment”. According to Daniel Riolothe PSG striker would be in the process of “to make a reputation throughout Paris with all the people who talk”. “He should be very careful about things that could land on him in the near future.”he warned before blurting out, annoyed: “Be careful of what Mbappé is becoming. And watch out for what people are starting to say about him everywhere”.

Hoping for French football, and PSG supporters, that the Parisian nugget gets back on the right path in the event that the remarks made by Daniel Riolo are proven.


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