Daniel Radcliffe with a rare disease: he suffered for many years despite treatment

It is an evil which, alas, did not disappear with the help of a remedy from Professor Sprout. Daniel Radcliffe, who played the young wizard Harry Potter in the saga adapted from JK Rowling’s books, for 10 years, actually suffers very regularly. His medical problem? That’s what we call cluster headaches, ie a rare and painful disease causing vascular pain in the face, most often in the eye and temple.

I was taking up to 12 very strong painkillers a day and it didn’t change anything

Victims of violent headaches, the companion of Erin Darke has managed to cross the ages without anyone suspecting a thing. Whereas cluster headaches affect only 0.1% of the world’s population, and mostly men, Daniel Radcliffe had his share of headaches for a long time before realizing what was going on. “At the time, I thought I was a wimp. I was taking up to 12 very powerful painkillers a day and it didn’t change anything, I didn’t understand and I was like, ‘Why do I always have a headache?‘”, explained Daniel Radcliffe to the British newspaper The Independent.

It is very rare but extraordinarily painful

He missed several professional projects before putting a name to his discomfort. “I was in this weird thing called ‘cluster headaches’. It’s very rare, apparently, but extraordinarily painfulhe specified. Next to it, a migraine looks pretty nice. ” It takes an average of 5 years to diagnose a cluster headache, as explained by the Montreal University Hospital. The crises linked to this ailment can last up to 3 hours and occur every other day. Fortunately, Daniel Radcliffe manages to hold on to the helm on the career side. Recently spotted on the movie poster The Secret of the Lost Cityby Aaron and Adam Nee with Sandra Bullock, the 32-year-old comedian will soon star in Weird: The Al Yankovic Story by Eric Call.

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