Daniel Radcliffe: This Harry Potter co-star, much older than him, that he was in love with …

In 2001, Daniel Radcliffe appeared for the first time as Harry Potter in the huge film success based on the works of the now maligned novelist JK Rowling. 20 years later, the now 32-year-old actor and all his sidekicks in the saga are the stars of a special called Back to Hogwarts available since January 1, 2022 on Salto in France.

Asked about the secrets of the shoot and about this unforgettable experience he had when he was still a child, Daniel Radcliffe confessed with great tenderness that he had at the time fallen in love with a fetish actress of the saga. But do not believe that it is a young girl of her age like Hermione Granger (Emma Watson) or the one who becomes his wife in the saga, Ginny Weasley (alias Bonnie Wright). Not at all since the actor fell in love with a woman 23 years his senior: Bellatrix Lestrange (played by actress Helena Bonham Carter).

A one-sided passion of course, but one which allowed Daniel Radcliffe to perfect his talents as a seducer. Chilled lover ready to do anything to obtain the favors of his beautiful, the actor had even sent a sweet word in 2011 to the actress, who was married at the time to the director Tim Burton. “Dear Helena Bonham-Carter it was a pleasure to be your partner and your saucer in the sense that I always ended up having your coffee. I love you and wish I had been born ten years earlier, so maybe I would’ve had a chance“, he wrote. Modest and discreet, he did not however specify if the actress had answered his sweet ticket or not.

During the show, Daniel Radcliffe also said he fell in love with Gary Oldman (aka Sirius Black) who really had it. “impressed“on set. For her part, Emma Watson said she had a real crush on Tom Felton (aka Drago Malfoy in the saga).”I don’t know how to say it, I just fell in love with him“, she revealed. But she swore that in the end nothing happened …

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