Daniel Congré: “no player takes himself for a mercenary or is not overwhelmed by a defeat”

Beaten at home by Pau (1-0) during the 24th day of Ligue 2, the DFCO disappointed, fell in the standings (13th) and earned the wrath of their supporters, who copiously whistled the team when they left the ground at the Stade Gaston Gérard. In this context, the captain of the “Reds” Daniel Congré, elected “player of the month for January” by the supporters, was the guest of 100% DFCO, Monday February 14, 2022. Fifth episode of our red thread “Hello Daniel”, a few days before a trip which promises to be perilous in Bastia.

Re-listen to the program with Daniel Congré

The match against Pau, 13th defeat this season

“We will have to bounce back, as often”

“There is the defeat, but there is also the way. Even if the first half was correct, the second half, we had trouble putting on the rhythm, the intensity, which prevented from making the difference. This goal conceded should not have been, there is a lack of seriousness, we are not making the right gesture”.

“We’re going to have to bounce back, as often, the results are jagged this season. We took shelter in January with two great victories and we’re falling back into our ways. But we’re not going to lower the head despite everything, we will continue to work to continue to take points”.

How to explain the lack of efficiency at home?

Against Pau, 62% possession, 17 shots, 4 on target, no goals. A feeling of déjà vu on home games this season. DFCO Nîmes, 66% possession, 19 shots, 3 on target, 1 goal, 2-1 loss. DFCO – Paris FC, 66% possession, 22 shots, 3 on target, 1-0 loss. DFCO-Valenciennes, 59% possession, 19 shots, 5 on target, 1-0 loss.

“It’s clear that when faced with teams that have regrouped, especially when they have opened the scoring, it’s complicated to create chances and play the game. We’re going to have to remedy this problem, because we have potential quality offensive. By trying to put more madness, have a less stereotyped game and then let go more to create chances. In this match, he lacked combinations, but I’m not saying that the problem is in front, I do not throw stones at the offensives”.

Players not concerned enough?

“We have too many players below their level, who are not concerned enough, who are not aware of the club in which they are, so it gives matches like that”, regretted after the match against Pau the Dijon coach, Patrice Garande.

Daniel Congre: “It’s hard, but that’s how he feels. He’s been in charge of the team long enough to have his perception of things. There’s a kernel of truth in what he says. It’s up to us to to be much more concerned than at present and in the level that we display. We keep repeating that we have a group with a lot of qualities but it can’t be seen. We have to raise our level and be much more demanding of ourselves -same”.

Everyone is very disappointed, there is a desire to do well. We move, we try to do things together

“One thing I can really talk about is the involvement of the guys. is very disappointed, there is a desire to do well. We move, we try to do things together, but there is this lack of success, this little detail that turns the matches against us. We have to stay united and united”.

The whistles of the public

“I even find it rather positive that there have been whistles, it means that we have supporters who are interested in the club. Inevitably, when the team is not playing well and the result is not well, there is a disappointment, it shows us that there is support, even if it is whistles. We play for us, for the club but also for our groups of supporters, so I still find it positive that ‘they manifest it in this way’.

His “player of the month” trophy for January, awarded by the supporters

“It’s true that generally it’s often the offensive players who are rewarded. It’s a great reward, I’m happy, I notably contributed with a goal against Rodez, I think that partly weighed in the balance. It’s always touching, especially since it’s the supporters who vote, so thank you to them!”

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The next game in Bastia (which has never lost at home this season)

“It’s always complicated matches over there in Bastia. We have to have a burst of pride after the last two performances. Victory is quite possible”.

“The Corsican context is always special, there is great enthusiasm on the part of the supporters, we are always very well “welcomed” there, that’s why, it is said that it is much more complicated to going to play there. And then there is perhaps the journey, the Corsican air… (laughs). Joking aside, there is always a commitment from the Corsican clubs which is always very important.”.

The objectives for the rest of the season?

“We are ambitious, but the objective afterwards is to remain more constant, it would be beneficial for this end of the season and to prepare for next season. We are ambitious, even if with the season we are doing it can be tricky. The ambition is to make series, it can go so quickly. We remain ambitious, but we will have to show it on the ground”.

For Valentine’s Day, the “I like/I don’t like”, “heart/broken heart” interview

To be a captain?

I like, it gives additional responsibilities. I like having responsibilities in life, it’s something close to my heart.

Field reconnaissance before the start of the match?

I do not go out. Rather, I don’t go out anymore. When I started my career, I went out to see the state of the grounds. Almost 20 years ago, the pitches weren’t necessarily of very good quality so we went there mainly to reconnoiter the pitch. Today, things have drifted a bit, if we know players from the opposing team there is a short moment of exchange. But I don’t go out anymore. If it is in order to recognize the terrain yes, but otherwise there is not necessarily any interest.

What gesture do you enjoy doing the most?

The sliding tackle, I am a defender above all. But I must admit that a good header to offer victory to the DFCO is still very interesting. I’m divided !

What game in your career did you enjoy playing the most?

It’s very complicated ! One that comes to mind is the last day of the 2006/2007 season with Toulouse. We play Bordeaux and we qualify for the Champions League, thanks to an unlikely scenario. There was an incredible atmosphere at the Stadium, and it was very striking.

The game that broke your heart?

A game where I got injured. Against Nancy, with Toulouse. I had three years where I was often injured with Toulouse at the start of my career.

Another sport you like?

Basketball. I follow the French championship a little, the NBA a lot. The JDA, I promised to go quickly.

The mixed zones, the interviews after the games?

No, it’s not my favorite exercise, but it’s still an obligation. It’s not just things you choose in football, that doesn’t bother me but it’s not my favorite exercise.

To be the dean of the DFCO, soon to be 37 years old?

It’s the first time in Montpellier there was Hilton (laughs)! I don’t care about it, I like it, no worries.

Never having had a selection with the French team?

No regrets, I have always given the maximum in my career. I don’t have the talent of the defenders who are in the France team. I’m happy with my career, it wasn’t won at the start but I was able to hold on and I’m proud of it.

See Yassine Benzia leave the DFCO (on loan in Turkey) after the end of the transfer window?

Yass’ is someone I really appreciate. He leaves, and we can’t replace him, so double trouble.

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“Hello Daniel, in previous episodes”

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