Daniel Auteuil separated from Emmanuelle Béart: “Finally, he found himself in Corsica …”, confidences of a famous friend

A broken promise! Interviewed by the magazine Evening Mag on his convalescence in the Vaucluse, the singer Dave multiplied the confidences, with the freedom of tone that we know him. He thus opened the doors of his house bought twenty-five years ago with her husband Patrick Loiseau. A quiet corner where he should have had his good friend Daniel Auteuil as a neighbor. But this one did it upside down!

We have been here for 25 years. At the time, my dear friend Daniel Auteuil – we have been friends for 51 years – had a house in the Lubéron with Emmanuelle Béart. At that time, on my side, I had a house in Périgord and Daniel convinced me to come here, saying, ‘That way, when we’re old, we’ll go fishing together.’ Finally, he left Emmanuelle [le couple s’est séparé en 1995, ndlr] and ended up in Corsica, but he still comes to see us regularly“, thus confided Dave, revealing that his friend Daniel Auteuil had therefore not kept his promise for their old age. We can however understand that the actor of the films In love with my wife, The good times or Farewell Mr. Haffmann fell in love with the island of beauty; He is not the only one ! As a reminder, he married the Corsican artist-painter, Aude Ambroggi.

If he therefore preferred to buy a house in Corsica – near Rondinara, a superb spot in the south of the island – Daniel Auteuil does not leave his friend Dave without news. The singer even receives many visits to his house in the green. “He was there no later than last week. We also have other friends near here. Renaud has lived next door for almost 30 years, there is also one of our musicians (…) I love this house, it is in the middle of nowhere in an area where you cannot build. The only downside is that we don’t have access to city water. So we have to go through a borehole and with the current drought, it gives nothing. So we have to get supplies by tank“, he specifies.

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