Dandelions can be eaten too

We eat the leaves in a salad

That said, before “eating them by the root” you might as well eat the leaves. It is in the spring that they are delicious. With the young shoots it is customary to make a delicious dandelion salad in the Vosges or in the Ardennes. In this salad we put bacon. We wash 500 g of dandelions, drain them well, put them in a salad bowl. Next we chop 2 shallots, sauté them in the pan in oil, add the bacon, and when it’s hot, we switch to the dandelion salad, we can make a “hot meurotte” as the locals say. vosgiens, in other words a lukewarm vinaigrette, by simply drizzling the vinegar in the pan that was used to cook the bacon bits. We salt we pepper we serve, and you can even add hard-boiled eggs or a soft-boiled egg. Dandelion buds are also eaten, preserved in vinegar.

And we can make honey out of dandelions

Even the petals can be cooked, a magnificent yellow, from which you can make “dandelion honey”, a sort of jam with roughly 1 k 5 of sugar for 1 kg of dandelion petals, without forgetting 3 lemons.

Long to get this delicacy proves all the same that everything is good in dandelion. The English even managed to make a kind of coffee out of it during the war. Although when you know the taste of the English it’s a little scary.

Health side : as its name suggests, dandelion helps with urination. Dandelion is simply “piss in the bed” originally. Admittedly, it must be effective!

Cooking is done with a lot of ingredients like dandelions, but it is mostly done with the heart.

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