Dancing with the stars: Jean-Marc Généreux well received for his unexpected return?

Jean-Marc Généreux replaced his friend Chris Marques at short notice for the Dance with the Stars show on September 16, 2022. A temporary change because the Franco-Portuguese dancer and choreographer contracted Covid-19. A number marked by the departure of actor Théo Fernandez and his sidekick Alizée Bois. Was Mr. Généreux’s return well received by viewers?

If Jean-Marc Généreux was delighted to find his comrades and the set of DALS exceptionally, the father of Jean-Francis and Francesca was not the only one. Indeed, the reactions on social networks are unanimous! “Leave us Jean Marc Genereux for the remaining weeks please #DALS”, “What a pleasure to find Jean-Marc Généreux in #DALS tonight. Personal… I BUY”, “Jean Marc Généreux he is just coming back, it looks like he has always been there, we must reform the iconic duo with Chris Marques! #DALS” can we read on Twitter.

Filled with receiving so many positive messages, Jean-Marc Généreux expressed his emotion. “It was heart warming to be on the Dancing with the Stars set. Thank you for this wave of love that you sent to me through your messages. It’s a start… I really enjoyed myself. (…) You are at the top. I wish you a great season and a speedy recovery to Chris Marques.“He obviously ended his message with his famous, “I buy“.

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