Dancing with the stars: François Alu ignites and makes a statement to Denitsa Ikonomova, despite the development

On October 7, 2022, François Alu and Chris Marques were slightly torn about the performance of Carla Lazzari and Pierre Mauduy on the set of Dance with the stars. After performing a waltz, the dancing couple received feedback from coaches about their choreography. After a remark by Chris Marques on the sometimes badly positioned feet of the candidate, François Alu then reframed the Franco-Portuguese choreographer regarding his assessment.

A great dancer…

I totally disagree with you Chris., we attack with the heel in a waltz and there, there are plenty of times when the feet were flat. And that I learned froma very great dancer here, last year, Denitsa“, underlined François Alu, thus addressing a nice declaration to his former acolyte Denitsa.Please let me finish before you scream! You’ll do the grizzly later Chris“, adds the star dancer, amused by the cries of Chris, which he readily compares to those of a wild bear.

On Twitter, many Internet users have noticed the sweet words of François Alu to Denitsa Ikonomova. “François Alu who talks about the great dancer that is Denitsa. So that’s yes“, “In fact François he came back this year to avenge Denitsa, that’s why he breaks everyone“, “Coming from François, it’s beautiful“, commented several viewers.

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