Dancing with the stars: Florent Peyre and his wife Virginie very touching, Internet users under the spell

Like every Friday for a month now, viewers had an appointment with Dance with the stars this September 30, 2022 on TF1. The first week of competition, it was David Douillet and Katrina Patchett who were eliminated, followed the following week by Théo Fernandez and Alizée Bois (Elsa’s sister, also a professional dancer in the program). More recently, Clémence Castel and Candice Pascal have not made the weight and have in turn left the adventure. Nine personalities were therefore still in the race during this new bonus, namely Billy Crawford, Florent Peyre, Stéphane Legar, Thomas Da Costa, Léa Elui, Amandine Petit, Eva, Anggun and Clara Lazzari.

For the first time in the history of the show, the latter were subjected to a new rule of the game. Indeed, mystery dancers complicated things for them on the floor by landing by surprise at the end of the dances. The candidates then had to be careful not to lose the thread of their performance until the identity of their guests was discovered. And one moment of the evening particularly caught the attention of Internet users: the surprise arrival of Virginie Stref, the wife of Florent Peyre, on the DALS floor. The two lovebirds, who have been making perfect love for 11 years and are parents to a 6-year-old little Marius, danced before hugging each other and exchanging a languorous kiss, what to do melt the hearts of Internet users.

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