Dancing with the stars 2022: Théo Fernandez eliminated, his astonishing reaction

It’s the end for Theo Fernandez. The actor who played Coin-Coin in the Tuches and his sidekick Alizée Bois were eliminated at the end of the bonus of September 16, 2022. During this issue which was marked by the replacement of Chris Marques by Jean-Marc Généreux, the pair did not manage to extend their adventure to the breast of DALS. The actor shared his reaction on Instagram, in story.

Shortly after his elimination, Théo Fernandez expressed his fresh feelings after his ousting from Dance with the stars : “I lost a final but I won quite an adventure. Seriously, I’ll give you a 1,500 point story to tell you more about it. But basically, you already know that I had a blast, that Alizée is great, that the whole DALS team is great and that I had hemorrhoids. I don’t leave frustrated or (ron) chon. Thank you all.” We imagine that the health concerns cited were a joke, we hope for him!

His departure aroused many reactions from Internet users, finding it a shame to eliminate a candidate as touching as him. Gaston Lagaffe at the cinema, he was also on the set of Dance with the stars. However, if the tweets are relatively in agreement to underline the potential for progression of this artist and his very endearing side, it is perhaps his lack of technicality that failed him.

A tweet perhaps sums up his skills in Dancing with the Stars: “I don’t want Théo to leave… but he has very unusual bichon body coordination“. With humor and self-mockery, he reacted to one of the messages sent to him. In response to a follower who told him he preferred it to the cinema than to dancing, liking his look “statement of original” and his personality, the young man retorted to his community: “You too at home, find the odd one out among these compliments.”

For fans of this actor, we will soon find him in the series Darknet-Sur-Mer

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