Dance with the stars 2021: Tayc, overwhelmed by emotion, wins the show!

Viewers had a date for the new season finale of Dance with the stars, hosted by the popular – and future dad – Camille Combal. Over the weeks, the personalities clashed with the hope of winning the timpani of the pin up Dita von Teese to the actress Aurélie Pons through the singer Lââm, who was experiencing a personal drama at the same time.

For this final big evening, under the eyes of the jury composed of Jean-Paul Gaultier – whose participation has caused much ink to flow – Denitsa Ikonomova, François Alu and Chris Marques, three personalities still in competition have set foot on the dance floor. . It was thus necessary to count on Bilal Hassani, Tayc and Michou. After a fiery first game, unfortunately Michou came out.

Summary of the final duel:

Tayc and Fauve

Qualified for the last part of the final, they then performed a frenzied samba!

It was a competitive samba, Fauve, did you take him 200 steps or what? There is a reason why you have never been face to face … It was phew!“, Denitsa blurted out.”We even see the steps, the difficulty! This choreography was crazy, rhythmic, nuanced, you were meticulous“, explains François, very excited.”I am not allowed to note but I would have put you a 10Chris adds.

For their second dance of this last part of the final, Tayc and Fauve set off on a contemporary, the one already performed at the prime five.

Splendid performance! You are so fair, you have kept your strength, I want to say well done to you both“blurt out Chris.”I loved it, it was great, breathtaking, you were to the max, compared to the last time I loved this exaggeration, it is up to our applause“, adds Jean-Paul.

Bilal Hassani and Jordan

For their new dance of this final part of the final, Bilal and his partner perform a dance never before performed: a waltz! The pressure is great for the young singer who is a favorite. A performance under the eyes of … Nabilla sitting in the audience!

After his dance, Bilal was treated to dozens of messages of support from Patrick Fiori to Eddy de Pretto through his relatives. A great emotion that brought tears to the eyes of the young candidate.

I saw something beautiful, pointed feet, legs that stick out“, emphasizes François, seduced by the technique.”It was a waltz with contemporary elements, a very precise technique, very well danced, it’s the perfect waltz“blurt out Chris.”Your setting was perfect! I discovered a Bilal not extravagant, but soft, poetic, lyrical, that’s what I found in this waltz“, emphasizes Denitsa.”You have a large register but I don’t like the energy of the waltz … but in the emotion you showed so many beautiful things“, adds Jean-Paul.

For his second dance, the young candidate performs a contemporary from his first premium.

Denitsa, totally moved and under the spell of this performance, greeted the moving and physical interpretation of Bilal. “An incredible performer, you have evolved from phew and the arched there !! You were anchored! You did a great performance with a lot of delicacy“, specifies François, who once again salutes the technique of the candidate.

And the winner is…

While the jury did not vote, leaving the hand to the viewers, Tayc wins the show with 56% of the votes!

In tears, and in shock, surrounded by all his clan who invaded the plateau, he declared: “Thank you from the heart ! For 3 months we worked, Fauve never let go of my hand. This show made me grow up!

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