Dance: the gestures of a Star



Article written by

V.Gaget, J.-M.Lequertier, M.Mullot, G.Bensoussan, D.Chevalier – France 2

France Televisions

The departure of a star from the Paris Opera is always a moving moment. July 13, Alice renavan will bid farewell on stage. For this she chose a difficult ballet, Giselle, and a role she had never played. She and her partner Mathieu Ganio agreed to decipher this ballet.

Alice renavan dancing since the age of 8. For her farewell to the stage, she decided to play Giselle, a romantic heroine. To give this impression of ease, however, it takes exceptional technique and hours of rehearsal. With her prince, the star Mathieu GanioAlice repeats a slow passage from Act II. They decipher three complex movements. The first runs hand in hand. Standing on her tip, Alice raises her right leg before tilting her torso backwards. The whole movement is actually based on the tension between their arms.

Second move: the developed. It takes strength in the ankles to hold on to a pointe during the whole sequence. For the last gesture, the walking tourAlice is almost in splits. The dancer is then in arabesque. In the studio, the dancers rehearse every detail so that everything seems fluid on stage.

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