Video length: 2 min
Health: dance, good for the body and the head
A study shows us that dancing is a good idea in general, in addition to allowing us to lose a few pounds. Explanations with Damien Mascret on the 13 Heures set.
(France 2)
A study shows us that dancing is a good idea in general, in addition to allowing us to lose a few pounds. Explanations with Damien Mascret on the 13 Heures set.
Dance, “it’s good for the body, for many things whatever the dance”, explains doctor and journalist Damien Mascret, present Friday May 3 on the 13 Heures set. From zumba to ballroom dancing, any dance works. “Those who dance will lose 2% more body fat compared to others and lose a waist circumference of 3 cm”he adds.
Work the brain and motor areas
Dancing also gives vitality, because “you secrete endorphins”in addition to “work on memory”. This activity alsoi “work all motor areas when you have to coordinate your movements and synchronize them with the music”, adds Damien Mascret. In the case of two-person dances, the areas of the brain used are different. “There is an additional benefit for those who follow because you have to anticipate the movements of the leader,” specifies Damien Mascret.