Damage to the Iles-de-la-Madeleine: “I feel helpless”, confides a resident

A resident of the Iles-de-la-Madeleine who lost her home following the passage of the storm Fiona feels “powerless” in the face of the events, but still lucky not to have been there when the floods occurred.

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“I saw the damage on television. I can’t wait to go back there to experience a second shock of seeing my house for real,” said Cybèle Pelletier in an interview with TVA Nouvelles on Monday morning.

The young woman, who has owned the house for just three weeks, was aware that something could happen: “I was working hard to move my house to my land in a safe place in the forest, because I I was indeed afraid that there would be damage to my house”.

Ms. Pelletier was not insurable precisely because her house had to be moved due to water-related risks.

“I don’t have insurance to help me. […] I contacted public safety and now I’m waiting to hear back so I can move forward. As long as I know what to do, I will do it, I will assume what happens. But now, I don’t know what to do.”

“I am in nothingness,” she said while saying she was “lucky” not to have experienced the passage of the storm directly on the spot.

The mother, who has to find new accommodation, says she feels “powerless” and calls on politicians and party leaders running in the October 3 elections to “help citizens”.

“It is their responsibility to help citizens like me, we need them, we need help.”

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