Dadju snubbed by Celine Dion? Gims’ brother swings: “It’s complicated to approach him…”

It’s time for introspection for Dadju. This Wednesday, May 11, 2022, the interpreter of “Thank God” spoke about his brilliant career on the show As an aside. Like his brother Gims, the singer multiplies hits and awards. His notoriety has even crossed borders. A born hard worker, he hopes to surprise his audience with his upcoming projects. To this day, the main interested party draws inspiration from countless artists. In particular of Celine Dion whom he adores since his tender childhood.

His dream ? Get a duet with the star. Unfortunately for him, the happy mother of three children never reacted to his requests. “Honestly, it’s complicated to approach Céline”, admitted Dadju who does not hold it against him. On a daily basis, Demdem’s brother-in-law even likes to sing some of his hits… Like the song “If it was enough to love”. In 2020, Dadju unleashed passions by performing it in the program “La chanson française fête le 31”. “Céline, if you can hear me, accept the little duet, please”, had then launched the interpreter of “My sun”.

But Dadju is not the only one who hoped for a feat with the Quebec icon. In the past, Grégory Lemarchal – who died in 2007 – would have been disappointed by his idol on this subject. “Grégory had always been a fan, he knew all his songs. In 2005, on the set of Star Ac’, he gave her a letter: he wanted to sing with her for her fight against cystic fibrosis, because Celine Dion had a niece who was affected. She never followed up. He was very disappointed and I, as a mum, was very sad for him. revealed his mother, Laurence Lemarchal for Tele-Leisure in 2021. “After her disappearance, TF1 held a tribute evening in which Celine Dion participated. I was very angry. To his words, I would have preferred actions…”.


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