Dadju makes revelations about his salary!

Dadju made more than one crack with her hits “Reine” and “Mon soleil”, like this famous singer with an immense career. Last night, July 14, the singer was live on Instagram during which they answered questions from his admirers, whom he drove crazy by answering a taboo question in France. “How much do you earn? ?”, asked a fan. “Frankly, I’ve never been asked the question, I think these are questions that don’t arise but… A lot. I earn a lot of moneyIt’s okay. Yes, I am fine“, he replied, not to mention numbers.

Dadju finally knows financial tranquility, after a very difficult childhood. “There was a passage in my life that was quite difficult with my mother, my brothers. We lived outside for a long time, for a year and a few I think. With all I have today, I look back and see this“, he explained during an interview with “50 Minutes Inside” last May.

Today, Dadju has more than enough to meet the needs of his small family, but he is not calm for all that. “Until today for me, it’s a trauma. I’m not ashamed to say that, I’m traumatized by that. And the more the years pass, the more the money goes up, and the more I have fear”, he said, remembering his past during his stay in “As an aside” last May. “I hit the peak of this fear when my wife told me she was pregnant. That’s when I hit the peak, I was like ‘Oh shit ‘. This is Dadju who got married and who is going to have a child, I can’t disappear anymore… If I’m not there, I’m taking someone’s father away…”he continued.

Because if Dadju knew misery, it is partly due to his father who left home very early. “My dad and my mom separated when I was 10, 11. So I only grew up with my mom. She raised me, she tried to replace my dad who wasn’t there. I resented my father a lot at first. […] He said, ‘I’m coming. And he never came back… One day, two days, two weeks, two years”he confided during the report “Speak like never”, on Brut X, in 2021.

Laura Bertrand

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