Dadju dad for the third time: “It’s very complicated”

The singer Dadju is a fulfilled man: On the poster for a tour throughout France and a film which will be released on May 11 Ima, the 30-year-old artist also became a father for the third time this year. During his visit to Amiens, the singer was questioned by the Mail Picard on his new life which does not seem so easy to manage…

Indeed, even if for Dadju happiness is total, the fact remains that the interpreter of She asks me sees gray areas on the board, which he intends to correct. “It’s very complicated. I was very absent during her pregnancy between the album and the shooting of the film“he declared in particular to our colleagues, he who is always on the right and on the left to meet his audience in the four corners of the country. Also, this new birth, the 3rd for the native of Bobigny, made him take awareness of the preciousness of time spent with family. “JI intend to take advantage of it and make up for the time together” he asserted.

Especially since the singer does not intend to stop at three children. Indeed, he had entrusted Pure charts last February wanting to further expand his family by at least two toddlers. “There, I’m at three. I think we’re going to rest a bit. It’s super tiring, especially for her, she’s a soldier. I respect her a lot for that. I want to have a big family and I think that at five, we are good” he confided despite the difficulties of reconciling family life and professional life. “I want a big family and what I want is to enjoy that. With music, you can’t really enjoy those moments. Look, my wife just gave birth and I’m here. I don’t “I couldn’t be there for the delivery, it’s frustrating. These are things you miss and you can’t make up for” he had concluded, lucid about the things to improve in his life.

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