D-Day Commemorations | Justin Trudeau in favor of Russia’s presence

(Ottawa) Prime Minister Justin Trudeau supports France’s decision to invite Russian officials to a D-Day commemoration, despite the invasion of Ukraine.

Mr. Trudeau says Canada is “extremely at odds” with Russia and that Moscow must be held accountable for violating fundamental rules regarding respect for sovereign borders.

But he believes it is still important to recognize all the countries involved in the liberation of France from Nazism during World War II.

Mission Libération, the French government committee organizing the commemorations of the 80e anniversary of D-Day, announced to European media last week that he had invited Russian officials, although no invitation was extended to President Vladimir Putin.

Mr. Putin is the subject of an international arrest warrant for war crimes linked to the forced transfer of children from Ukraine.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky would attend the ceremonies, as would Mr Trudeau and US President Joe Biden.

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