Czech singer dies of Covid-19 after voluntarily contracting the virus

The singer’s son explained that his mother refused to be vaccinated and willingly exposed herself to the disease which he and his father, both vaccinated, had caught before Christmas.

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She was opposed to Covid vaccines. Hana Horka, singer of the Czech folk group Asonance, died on Sunday January 16 at the age of 57, after having deliberately contracted the virus in order to obtain her health pass, announced her family.

Asked on Monday on public radio, the singer’s son, Jan Rek, explained that his mother refused to be vaccinated and voluntarily exposed herself to the disease that he and his father, both vaccinated, had caught before Christmas. “She decided to live normally with us and preferred to catch the disease rather than get vaccinated”, he specified.

Two days before her death, Hana Horka wrote on her Facebook page: “I survived…it was colorful. So now there’s going to be theatre, sauna, concert, sauna…and an urgent trip to the sea.” Returning from a walk, “She just told dad she had a bad back so we rubbed her down and she went to bed for a while. Apparently she was suffocated within ten minutes,” said told his son on the radio.

In the Czech Republic, proof of a vaccine or the recent release of Covid is required in all cultural and sports venues, as well as in bars and restaurants.

Jan Rek accused local anti-vaccine figures of convincing his mother not to get vaccinated and thus “blood on the hands”. “I know exactly who formed her opinion (…) I am sad that she believed strangers more than her own family. It was not only total misinformation but also opinions on natural immunity and the antibodies created by catching the disease”, regretted the son of the singer.

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