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Thursday, April 7, the Czech Republic delivered former Soviet tanks to Ukraine. It is the first NATO country to do so.
“Moscow has so far not reacted to this shipment, which has not been officially announced by the Czech Republic”says Julien Gasparutto, correspondent in Brussels, while the country delivered, Thursday, April 7, tanks to Ukraine. “If Prague remains discreet, it is because this shipment could, indeed, constitute a turning point in this conflict”continues the journalist.
Since the start of the war in Ukraine, the West has sent lighter equipment to the Ukrainians, so as not to be considered co-belligerent by Moscow (Russia) and not to start a direct war between NATO members and the Russia. “The NATO Secretary General also remained evasive, assuring that the West would provide more support”, explains Julien Gasparutto. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister again demanded the delivery of arms immediately.