Cyril Viguier in Facing the territories: he will receive “everyone on the right and on the left”

In 2019, Cyril Viguier established himself as the strong man of morning news with his new show The Grand Journal of the Territories broadcast on TV5Monde and launched in partnership with Ouest-France and Nice-Matin. Building on the success met, the journalist then launched a new challenge at the start of the 2021 school year: that of presenting a weekly political show called Facing the territories. A program that wants to be different from the others as the next presidential election approaches.

According to the 58-year-old Bordeaux journalist, his strength is above all to highlight the regions of the country and their expectations. “The principle is to associate the regional daily press, Ouest-France, Nice matin and France-Antilles. We are interested in what makes the reality of an election, that is to say what people experience“, he explained during an interview for Star TV published this Monday, January 3, 2022. Thus, broadcast on the national media, it is possible for citizens to question the guests on subjects of daily life. Because if he gives the floor to the French, Cyril Viguier of course also gives it to the candidates. He also promises to to receive “everyone, right and left.

Since last year, Cyril Viguier has already received many political figures on his show, from various political trends: Valérie Pécresse (president of the Île-de-France region and candidate for the 2022 presidential election), Xavier Bertrand, Elisabeth Moreno (Minister responsible for Equality between Women and Men, Diversity and Equal Opportunities) or Gérard Larcher (President of the Senate), Richard Ferrand (President of the National Assembly) and Sophie Cluzel (Secretary of State in charge of disabled people).

Facing the territories is therefore a program which does good and which has risen among the essential political meetings. And Cyril Viguier welcomes it! “We are the first political and digital program in France since we are listed on the sites of our partners“, he underlined. It must be said that a few months to elect our next president, passions are unleashed. It was therefore essential for the facilitator to position himself on the subject.”The presidential election is the most exciting Netflix series that we can dream of! Four months before the election, the cards are reshuffled“, he estimated.

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