Cyril Lignac soon dad? The statements of a host question

From June 23, Mary Portolano will be in charge of Best Pastry Chef: the professionals on M6. Christelle Brua, Pierre Hermé and Cyril Lignac will have the difficult task of judging the candidates in competition. For the occasion, a journalist from TV Cable Sat Weekly met the presenter as well as Cyril Lignac. And one of the statements of the wife of Grégoire Ludig did not go unnoticed.

On January 31, Canal+ viewers were able to discover a number ofAs an aside with the famous chef. The opportunity to discuss his busy career with his thirteen establishments and his television shows. He will also be the subject of a biopic called Dragon. “The priority for 2022 or 2023 is to open a new restaurant, start a family, start a cooking school? You have three choices“, Nathalie Levy had asked him in particular. And it was for the second option that Cyril Lignac had leaned.

During his interview for TV Cable Sat Weekly, he therefore did not escape a question on the subject. We asked him if he would be a “cake dad. If he was content to answer with a smile, Marie Portolano made an intriguing statement. “We have a lot in common with Cyril. We are going to live a busy year 2022!“, launched the young woman who is pregnant with her second child. Are we to understand that the year 2022 will also be loaded with bottles and diapers? For the moment, it is impossible to know for sure. Perhaps the charming 44-year-old Brown will say more about the subject in the future.

But nothing is less certain, because Cyril Lignac prefers to talk about his projects rather than his personal life. If he admitted in May 2020 in Everyone in the kitchen that he was not a heart to take, he did not say more about the chosen one of his heart. When last September, in the same program, Camille Cerf asked him where his fiancée was, the ex-companion of Sophie Marceau had therefore not hidden his embarrassment and had quickly changed the subject.

The full interview can be found in the magazine TV Cable Sat Weekly of June 13, 2022.

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